SkyParc @ Dawson
89 – 93 Dawson Road
Jungle Playground

Welcome to SkyParc@Dawson, all the play equipment are custom designed for this project. Some of the elements are based on existing play equipment and animal sculptures are integrated not only into the totem but also into other play equipment (e.g. owl sculpture at the top of tree top tower pole) and surrounding trees. Structure wrapped in stainless steel mesh netting to give a transparent look but still remain very safe for kids to explore. 

Client Housing & Development Board
Architect Design Link Architects Pte Ltd
Realization November 2020
Awards LIAS Awards of Excellence 2021 - Bronze Award


rubber bridge

It’s not just about the excitement of the height, it’s also about getting there, daring to step on the rubber while holding the ropes. Everything is moving and shaking, and the prickling feeling makes everyone laugh loudly. Above and below!


rope bridge

The Rope Bridge trains balance, and supports balancing acts with others. The social-emotional skills of turn-taking, cooperation and negotiation are built up when passing each other on the tight rope, avoiding to have to step down.